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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Belly Fat & How To Burn Fat

Belly Fat & How To Burn Fat
If you are looking for better ways to burn belly fat then you forget to do all the exercises that ordinary people tell you to do if you really want to lose the fat from the belly.
Below will reveal three of the best exercises you can do that will put your metabolism into overdrive so that it starts to burn more body fat than ever.
Burpees are one of the best exercises you can do if your serious about losing body fat.

 The reason why Burpees are a great fat burning exercise is because they are an exercise in all the body and this means that you burn more calories if you do them.
 When you use them the legs and torso at the same time in order to maximize the amount of calories burned. 
 The best way to do Burpees is to include some exercises with others, at the same time as a circuit.
Rolling box jumps
These are awesome for burning fat, because you're using some of your legs and upper body to perform the exercise, which means your body burns more fat.

All you have to do this is a bench.
There as normal with the exception of box jumps start and finish the exercise on the floor in a crunch position. 
 You can do box jumps on a rotation basis alone, but to make things a little 'more interesting and entertaining your best to include them with some other exercises.
Hop Ball Burpees
These may seem like Burpees normal, but in reality are a little 'different, because it uses a ball when doing the exercise. 

 These are real killers, and if you want to jump-start your metabolism so definitely include these in your training or circuits.
I often include ball Burpees hop in my workouts and I am one of the best exercises to burn fat you can do to not only work the legs but the entire upper body and your soul, that makes you burn more calories doing any boring standards exercises like the treadmill or stepper.
These 3 super-high-fat burning exercises are just some that you can begin to include in your workouts & fitness

If you include these exercises in your workouts on a regular basis you start to strip away stubborn belly fat really fast.

What Foods can burn Belly Fat

What Foods can burn Belly Fat
When it comes to trying to burn belly fat, you can sometimes feel like you're not getting anywhere because every time you look in the mirror does not seem to be very moving fat from the belly. 
 The reason is because they are not giving your body the right types of foods that are very high quality fat burning & fitness

Here are 3 of the best foods you should eat if you want to lose belly fat and build a firm flat stomach or six pack abs.
Most people think of avocado as a food and are fat, but are full of healthy fats. 

They are rich in monounsaturated fats, but also full of vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, antioxidants and are also a great source of fiber too.
The quality of fat that you get from avocados helps keep your hormones balanced and help with muscle building and fat loss and that makes them one of the super foods you should eat if your serious about losing belly fat and building six-pack abs.
Eggs including the yolks
Most people know that eggs are a great source of protein, but what many people do not know is that the yolks do contain the healthiest part of the egg which is where all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

 The yolk also has iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate and vitamin B12, and also panthothenic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K, and in them too. The next time you remember to eat some eggs the yolk too.
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are very foods to eat for a lean body as they are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants too.  

So it also begins to eat berries in your plans, are full of goodness and will help you burn more belly fat and get six pack abs faster.
These are just 3 of the super foods that should be included in the meals on a regular basis. 

 Do not forget you can get a little 'creative and add the berries and avocado and avocado pretty much make a great topping or seasoning too.

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bodyweight fitness program

fitness,loss weight,exercises,diet,beauty,women fitness,body building,Home Gym,Elliptical Machine ,Belly Fat,Burn Fat,