7fRwosA7yXE96-zVhKeC5E4autU 27 Dec 2011 ~ Mr Fitness For You

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Your Fitness With Weigh Training

Your Fitness With Weigh Training
You've been plugging away at the gym for a while 'time, and the results were good. But now you're ready to mix things up a little 'more, and add something new to the mix of training to bring out some new gains. 
 Have you considered giving a shot explosive training?
This type of training involves moving through your reps set at a pace very fast speed.  

Most of the time when you exercise, you are using a highly controlled, slow motion to move the weight from point A to point B. 
 With this training, you are working to activate the fast twitch muscle fibers, as they have never been targeted before, starting each rep as quickly as possible in a safe manner. 
 Each workout chest, for example, still contain 16 sets of slope, slope, flat, then the crossover movement, of course.
After all, you're still targeting the same muscle groups using the same exercises, same sets and patterns of repetition itself. 
 Simply use a bit 'over weight, and work to move between each repetition faster than you're used to doing. 
 This means your muscles are doing less work, and your tendons are doing a little 'bit more work, but it will also mean that you can move more weight for more reps.
You are not cheating - you're exploding - in each repetition.
When using explosive training, you should understand that you are going to be making a huge demand on different systems in your body.  

The central nervous system, of course, will assist your tired muscles in the recovery from such training.  
But the joints and tendons will also take quite a beating.
In order to give your body the tools it needs to recover from this type of training, you want to add a couple of days off to leaven the mix and total caloric intake, particularly in the form of protein and Solid sources of carbohydrates. 
 Work to remove the stressors from your life as many as possible as well.  
More sleep, less stress and relax every chance you get.
You can only use the explosive training in your workouts, or maybe just an exercise for each body part.

Maybe you want to give your workout ¼ or ½ of this style, to see if it works for you.
You'll get explosive power that will help you in all aspects of training and in life - Give it a shot!

Training The Back Slow

 Training The Back Slow
Commercial gyms of today are filled with every kind of foo-foo features full promise of providing machines, muscle pumps and blood congestion, without the need to balance the weight.  
Yes, these Hammer Strength and Nautilus machines can be useful sometimes to 'finish' back after a hard training session. But most of the time, these exercises should be the "icing" on a cake of a workout built around the solid foundations of lifting heavy iron. 
 Let's look at a standard "first 2 / 3" of any workout back, and it should look like.
Keep it simple, stupid (KISS). Lift the weight and put it down.  

Wear a bust, fully heated, and complete your repetitions slowly. With a nice mix of songs on your iPod, you should be able to take your sweet time and trains completely without too many problems or tip.  
Five series of slow and heavy deadlifts torch lower back and contribute to a general release of the hormone the body that will give you some new muscle quickly with fitness.
Nobody likes mind completely. Even the guy who invented them was probably kicking himself to the grave in order to subject the world to torture like that.

But if you want to go back to high thickness and width, are essential.
1 complete set or ten sets, it does not matter.  
You must complete forty repetitions and you can take as long as you want. 
 Repetition should be slow, deliberate and controlled, and the pain will "enjoy" in the following days will be all the proof you need that you did things right. I hope that you prepared a, sample lunch - is going to be back one day long!
Barbell Rows
Here's another slow, painful that almost no one enjoys, most people avoid, but can provide some terrific results for everyone involved.  

Whatever weight you're using to detach, cut into 1 / 3, and start pulling. 
 Five groups of slow and steady while using a brace back should be ideal for you.
Remember, you have the last 1 / 3 of the training session, or 20 to 25 minutes, to enjoy all the work of pumping you want - but only after removing these heavy 3 September first.  

Technology is wonderful to make life easier.
But when it comes to stimulating the muscles of the back in some serious growth, "easier" is not better - by far!

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bodyweight fitness program

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